North American P-51D Mustang Aviation Art Painting - 78th Fighter Group by Aviation Artist Darryl Legg
The legendary P-51 Mustang entered service with the 8th Air Force in 1943 and all but one Fighter Group utilised in the escort of bombers to Germany would convert to the aircraft by war's end.
Based at Duxford, Cambridgeshire, the 78th Fighter Group had arrived in England with the Republic P-47 Thunderbolt in April 1943 to take up Bomber Escort missions with the 82nd, 83rd and 84th Fighter Squadrons assigned. While reasonably successful with the big Republic fighter, the 78th would, like many other fighter units in the 8th, flourish with the arrival of the P-51D in December 1944.
Darryl Legg's Aviation Art Painting shows "Bum Steer", the assigned aircraft of Capt. Earl L. Stier of the 84th Fighter Squadron. Duxford, wartime base of the 78th is now home to the Imperial War Museum's aviation collection and numerous P-51 reside there, with at least one commemorating the 78th.
Prints not available. Original aviation art works painted in acrylic on canvas done to order, please visit the commissions page