Grand Sport - Chevrolet Corvette


Chevrolet Corvette Grand Sport at the Revs Institute Motorsport Art Print by artist Richard Wheatland


Another car in the Revs Institute of Naples, Florida is seen in this painting by Motorsport Artist Richard Wheatland.

A car which due to GM's 'No racing' rule almost never fulfilled its promise, the Grand Sport was cancelled after a mere five prototypes had been built. This didn't stop these specially lightened machines taking their place on the track though as two were quickly sold to private teams. 

These vehicles were classed a non-standard and it was not until 1963 that they got the chance to race the Shelby Cobra, a car which they had been designed to beat. They did this so comprehensively that factory workers there on the day were left somewhat red-faced that such a successful car was not fully exploited. 


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